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Discover Malmö is a website that will give you information beyond what is written in any tourist information provided by the city.

We have visited all the places, to give you knowledge like the locals.

You may use the website to customize and create a unique and safe experience when you visit or stay in Malmö, Sweden.

We are not responsible for unexpected events during your visit or stay.

However, if anything happens to you, please get in touch with the local police or if you have a medical condition affecting your stay at 112 (the national emergency number of Sweden) or 114 14 (police only) if it is not an emergency.

Please visit our essential phone numbers-list for a complete overview.

Latest Posts

  • Turning Torso

    Turning Torso is the tallest building of Malmö, Sweden. It is also one of the tallest buildings overall in Scandinavia and the fourth largest in Europe, measuring an astonishing 190,4 meters (roughly 624,67 feet). The original design was composed by the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava Valls and is currently owned by the Tenants’ Savings and…

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  • Östergatan 20

    Östergatan 20 is the modern-day address where you will find the oldest building in Malmö, Sweden, or rather a preserved basement. Unfortunately, during the 1970s the house was demolished and all that is left is the basement. The site is not accessable to the general public either, so, you can only glance at it if…

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  • Malmö Arena

    Malmö Arena is the home of Malmö’s best-ranked ice hockey team, IF Malmö Redhawks, who currently plays in the highest national league, the Swedish Hockey League, or SHL for short. The arena hosted the Eurovision Song Contest back in 2013, when Denmark won, and will host the same event in May 2024. The event’s hostesses…

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